Kerkythea 1.3.04

9 Kasım 2007 Cuma

3D Modeling

Kerkythea is a stand alone rendering engine.

Supported 3D File Formats:

* 3DS Format
* OBJ Format
* XML (internal) Format
* SIA (Silo) Format (partially supported)

Supported Image Formats:

* All supported by FreeImage library
* [JPG, BMP, PNG, TGA, HDR included]

Supported Materials:

* Matte
* Perfect Reflections/Refractions
* Blurry Reflections/Refractions
* Translucency
* Dielectric Material
* Phong Material
* Ward Anisotropic Material
* Lafortune Material
* Thin Glass Material
* Anisotropic Ashikhmin Material
* Layered Material (additive combination of the above)

Supported Shapes:

* Triangulated Meshes
* Spheres
* Planes

Supported Lights:

* Point Omni
* Point Spot
* Point Diffuse
* Area Diffuse
* Soft-Shadow
* Ambient Lighting
* Sky Lighting
* [Physical Sky, SkySphere Bitmap (Normal or HDRI)]

Supported Textures:

* Constant Colors
* Bitmaps (Normal and HDRI)
* Procedurals
* [Perlin Noise, Marble, Wood, Wave, Checker]
* Any Weighted or Multiplicative Combination

Supported Features:

* Bump Mapping
* Normal Mapping
* Clip Mapping
* Bevel Mapping (an innovative KT feature!)
* Edge Outlining
* Depth of Field
* Fog
* Isotropic Volume Scattering
* Faked Caustics
* Faced Translucency
* Dispersion
* Antialiasing
* [3x3 extra rays, 3x3 stratified iterative, texture filtering]

Supported Camera Types:

* Planar Projection
* [Pinhole, Thin Lens]
* Cylindrical Pinhole
* Spherical Pinhole

Supported Rendering Techniques:

* Classic Ray Tracing
* Path Tracing (Kajiya)
* Bidirectional Path Tracing (Veach & Guibas)
* Photon Mapping (Jensen)
* [mesh maps, photon maps, final gathering, irradiance caching, caustics]
* Diffuse Interreflection (Ward)
* Depth Rendering

Application Environment:

* OpenGL Real-Time Viewer
* Material Editor
* Easy Rendering Customization
* Sun/Sky Customization
* Script System
* All of the above integrated in a compact application! :)
* certain features may be absent on some of the rendering techniques


File Size = 2.46MB

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