A rider on San Franciso's L-Line was nearly dragged to his death when his arm became trapped in the door. What happened was a calamity of apparent fai

5 Kasım 2007 Pazartesi

A rider on San Franciso's L-Line was nearly dragged to his death when his arm became trapped in the door. What happened was a calamity of apparent failures in the safety systems designed to prevent such an occurrence. The first failure was the fact that the door didn't automatically bounce open and start screeching.

"As the train began to move, people began to scream in panic as the man ran alongside the train with his hand trapped inside the car. As the train sped up, the man stumbled and was dragged along the platform."
The passengers did everything they could to stop the car: they pushed the emergency call button, pulled the cord used to request a stop, and tried unsuccessfully to pull the emergency release for the door that had trapped the man's hand. Finally a rider triggered the emergency release for another door on the train, bringing the car to an immediate halt. The rider reportedly refused medical treatment.

Muni's official line is that they are investigating the incident and....what was it?...umm...oh yeah....DON'T STICK YOU HAND INTO A CLOSING DOOR.

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