Kavak Yelleri 10. Bölüm İzle Youtube

9 Kasım 2007 Cuma

2 Ağustos'da ekrana gelen Kavak Yelleri 10. Bölüm kaçıranlar, tekrar izlemek isteyenler için sitemizde.

2. kısım. 3. kısım 4. ksıım. 5. kısım 6. kısım. 7. kısım. 8. kısım. 9. kısım.

Bölüm, Kavak Yelleri 9. Bölüm özet görüntüleri ile başlıyor. Toplam 9 parça halinde video paylaşım sitesi youtube yüklendi. Lisenin bitişi, ÖSS telaşı ve oteldeki mezuniyet töreni ve tabii kavak yelleri Aslı bu bölümün vazgeçilmezleri arasında.

Kavak Yelleri 9. Bölüm Video İndir

26 Temmuz 2007 tarihli Kavak Yelleri 9. Bölüm İzle

2.Kısım. 3.Kısım. 4.Kısım. 5.Kısım. 6.Kısım< 7.Kısım. 8.Kısım. 9.Kısım. 10.Kısım.

Kavak Yelleri 8. Bölüm İzle Youtube

Kavak Yelleri 8. Bölüm "Öpsem Sarılsam Sevsem" ÖSS 19 Temmuz Perşembe yayını, Youtube adlı video paylaşım sitesine 9 kısım halimde yüklendi.
2. Kısım. 3. Kısım. 4. Kısım. 5. Kısım. 6. Kısım 7.Kısım. 8. Kısım. 9. Kısım.

Kavak Yelleri 7. Bölüm İzle Youtube

Kavak Yelleri 7. Bölüm İzle Youtube

2. kısım 3. kısım 4. kısım 5. kısım 6. kısım 7. kısım 8. kısım

Kavak Yelleri 6. Bölüm İzle İndir Youtube

2. Kısım 3. Kısım 4. Kısım 5. Kısım. 6. Kısm 7. Kısım. 8. Kısım 9. Kısım<

KavakYelleri Dizisi 5. Bölüm İzle

KavakYelleri Dizisi 5. Bölüm İzle

Kavak Yelleri'nin 28 Haziran Perşembe günü ekrana gelen yeni bölümü 9 parça halinde Yotube adlı video paylaşım sitesine yüklendi. İzlemek için sırayla tıklayınız.



Part 1:

Diğer Partlar Yazının Devamında..
Part 2:

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7:

Part 8:

Kavak Yelleri 6.bölüm izle indir

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:










Kavak Yelleri 4.Bölüm izle indir


Diğer partlar yazının devamında…

Kavak Yelleri 4.Bölüm Fragman izle indir

Kavak Yelleri 3.Bölüm izle indir

Part 1:

Diğer Partlar Yazının Devamında..

Kavak Yelleri 3.Bölüm Fragman izle indir





Şifre= war3z.dl.am








Şifre= HAL2006

Finding Nemo


Şifre= HAL2006



Şifre= HAL2006







SiZe:529MB dodano


Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs


Battlefield Vietnam

Battlefield Vietnam


Şifre= www.oyuncehennemi.com

Freedom Fighters(Bu Oyunu Oynamayan Büyük Hata Yapıo)

Freedom Fighters(Bu Oyunu Oynamayan Büyük Hata Yapıo)


Şifre= Fishkopf

Dungeon Siege 2

Dungeon Siege 2


Music Addon=


Speech Addon=


Şifre= rebe


Password: PAAUPT

Half-Life 2 - The Lost Coast


Aeliom 1.1.2

3D Modeling


aeliom (el-yom) is a real-time virtual scenery generation, rendering, and exploration software. It is the fruit of 2 years´ research on landscape and architecture rendering. Thanks to its innovative engine, aeliom is the place where true per-pixel rendering quality meets 3D real time exploration !

aeliom is not only a viewer. It is also a compiler, and allows user, via its language, to generate complete worlds. Finally, aeliom is a stand-alone renderer, that generates superb materials for each pixel.

Its graphic user interface supports 4 languages (German [new], English, French and Spanish), and totally benefits from OpenGL (allowing rich multimedia environments).


* Aeliom is free for non profit use,

* compiler for the aeliom language (include a shader language),

* stand-alone high precision renderer,

* complex surfaces (high order, and Boolean ops),

* shadow generation,

* complex sky lighting,

* complex real time atmospheric volumetric effect (rays of light, fog, …),

* LOD for both the geometry and the materials,

* natural elements : water planes with ripples, volumetric clouds (with shadow projection), planar clouds, ...

* displacement mapping,

* view frustum culling (octree management), geometry coherency, portals, ...

* 3D sound environment,

* Ogg Vorbis codec support.

aeliom is free for non-profit use only.

File Size = 3.25 MB

AutoQ3D v1.35

3D Modeling


A complete 3D modeling application for computing aided drafting in three dimensions. AutoQ3D can be used by anyone who wants an easy way to imagine, create, and publish in 3D. It is ideal for you to use as modeling editor for your home additions, game design, math geometrical education or whatever your imagination tells you.


File Size = 2.31 MB

Kerkythea 1.3.04

3D Modeling


Kerkythea is a stand alone rendering engine.

Supported 3D File Formats:

* 3DS Format
* OBJ Format
* XML (internal) Format
* SIA (Silo) Format (partially supported)

Supported Image Formats:

* All supported by FreeImage library
* [JPG, BMP, PNG, TGA, HDR included]

Supported Materials:

* Matte
* Perfect Reflections/Refractions
* Blurry Reflections/Refractions
* Translucency
* Dielectric Material
* Phong Material
* Ward Anisotropic Material
* Lafortune Material
* Thin Glass Material
* Anisotropic Ashikhmin Material
* Layered Material (additive combination of the above)

Supported Shapes:

* Triangulated Meshes
* Spheres
* Planes

Supported Lights:

* Point Omni
* Point Spot
* Point Diffuse
* Area Diffuse
* Soft-Shadow
* Ambient Lighting
* Sky Lighting
* [Physical Sky, SkySphere Bitmap (Normal or HDRI)]

Supported Textures:

* Constant Colors
* Bitmaps (Normal and HDRI)
* Procedurals
* [Perlin Noise, Marble, Wood, Wave, Checker]
* Any Weighted or Multiplicative Combination

Supported Features:

* Bump Mapping
* Normal Mapping
* Clip Mapping
* Bevel Mapping (an innovative KT feature!)
* Edge Outlining
* Depth of Field
* Fog
* Isotropic Volume Scattering
* Faked Caustics
* Faced Translucency
* Dispersion
* Antialiasing
* [3x3 extra rays, 3x3 stratified iterative, texture filtering]

Supported Camera Types:

* Planar Projection
* [Pinhole, Thin Lens]
* Cylindrical Pinhole
* Spherical Pinhole

Supported Rendering Techniques:

* Classic Ray Tracing
* Path Tracing (Kajiya)
* Bidirectional Path Tracing (Veach & Guibas)
* Photon Mapping (Jensen)
* [mesh maps, photon maps, final gathering, irradiance caching, caustics]
* Diffuse Interreflection (Ward)
* Depth Rendering

Application Environment:

* OpenGL Real-Time Viewer
* Material Editor
* Easy Rendering Customization
* Sun/Sky Customization
* Script System
* All of the above integrated in a compact application! :)
* certain features may be absent on some of the rendering techniques


File Size = 2.46MB

Best CashBook 3.54


Best CashBook

Cash, Deposits and Cards are treated as one altogether in the cashbook. You can tailor the book to your appetite after you master the principle of entries by a little study. This is optimum for small business with total control of fund for home.

Major functions:
* A cashbook entry processes all other subsequent work automatically to prepare various reports.

* You can make entries by simple data-input and enter-key, watching how the book reflects your entries.

* Daily InOut Report gives insight of daily incomings, outgoings and fund changes.

* Monthly InOut Statement, Yearly InOut Statement.

* You can also see the ledger of each account.

* Separate control of the current fund by MyCash can broaden the book.

* Daily InOut Report enables a voucher a day in business.

File Size = 4 MB

Easy Cash Manager 3.0.1


Easy Cash Manager

Easy Cash Manager is a simple book-keeping program. You can use the program to keep records of your incomes and expenses. It has only the functionality that you need for very simple bookkeeping, so it is very clear and easy to use.

File Size = 950 KB

Microsoft Office Accounting Express 2007 v928090

Microsoft Office Accounting Express 2007 v928090


Microsoft Office Accounting Express

Microsoft Office Accounting Express 2007 is everything you need to make your small business idea flourish.

Whatever your idea, take it further with these great features:

* Create quotes and invoices
* track expenses and employee time
* Manage payroll and taxes with ADP’s integrated payroll service
* Store and organize all your customer, vendor, employee, and financial information in one place
* List items on eBay
* track sales activity, and download and process orders
* Email invoices and get paid faster with PayPal
* Monitor your customers’ business credit in real-time through Equifax.


File Size = 208 MB

Express Accounting 2.0


Express Accounting

CompuEx Express Accounting - Free Edition - Version 2.0, Fully functional, commercial-grade, FREE accounting software, A Single Company, Single User, Single Currency Small Business Management and Accounting Software, offers a comprehensive suite of integrated financial accounting and operations management modules covering Accounts, Bank, Inventory, Sales and Receivable, Purchase and Payable, Tax Management, and a comprehensive Financial and Management Reports via Crystal Reports.

File Size = 44.68 MB

Sky Fight 1.0

Action Games

Sky Fight Games

It's WWI. Your country depends on you. Get in your plane and meet the battle. Destroy enemy zeppelins and many other ground targets in this intense flight combat game.

Game Features:

* training missions for learning
* 10 german and 10 allied airplanes
* Action and Campaign gameplay
* three levels of difficulty

File Size = 13.2 MB

Rise of the Machines 1.0

Action Games

Games - Rise of the Machines

Rise of the Machines is a shooter you won't forget. The world has been invaded by an alien race of machine warriors. You are an elite soldier, controlling an advanced military hovercraft. The mission is simple, but tough - destroy alien Machines and reclaim Earth. Many laser, rocket, plasma weapons and bombs are all at your disposal. Your hovercraft is fully equipped and ready to go. Become the one to lead humanity to victory.

File Size = 12.82 MB

Nexuiz 2.3

Action Games


Nexuiz is a 3d deathmatch game project, created online by a team of developers called Alientrap. It is available for download for Windows, Mac, and Linux (all the same archive).The first version was released May 31st 2005, released entirely GPL and free over the net, a first for a project of its kind. Since then it has been downloaded over half a million times, and the game is still being updated and developed, currently at version 2.3 and new releases being developed.

File Size = 272.96 MB

Last Chaos 61212

Adventure & RPG

Free Games - Last Chaos

Last Chaos is an on-line role playing game where thousands of players can simultaneously be connected, fight and upgrade their courage and battle skills through adventures, quests and crafting skills with fellow adventurers.

Set in the land of Iris, a place where anarchy, terror and ambition reign after an epic struggle between the Gods, players must use their skill and cunning to unite Iris and become its supreme ruler. Players acquire bravery, intelligence and strength to become the true emperor by accomplishing missions, learning crafting skills and experiencing adventures in the huge and unknown world.


File Size = 407.8 MB

Penumbra 1.1

Adventure & RPG


Penumbra is a free, first-person horror adventure game that uses the latest graphics technologies and physics to create an immersive game world. The protagonist finds himself in an underground base searching for his lost father. It´s dark, scary, and dangerous.

Penumbra uses the developer´s in-house develop 3D engine, featuring the latest graphics and physics technologies. Thanks to these technologies Penumbra is able to immerse players into it´s world of horror, unlike anything seen before within the genre.

Dynamic shadows, normal mapping and specular effects creates a dark dynamic visual environment, creating a world of constant change. Motion blur, noise filters and bloom is used to create a world where sanity has no place.

The physics engine, using Newton Game Dynamics, allows the player to interact with object in new ways where doors drawers needs to be pulled open and doors barricaded to keep the evil out. Each object creates unique sounds based on surface and force, you can never predict how anything will behave or sound in this world.

In Penumbra the player finds himself in an underground base on Greenland, searching for his lost father. It´s an adventure horror game, free from classic first person shooter elements, with an emphasise on puzzle solving and exploring. Constantly on your toes you will never know what to expect, with no weapons how do you protect yourself?


File Size = 156.8MB

Flash Movie Player 1.5


Flash Movie Player

Flash Movie Player is a free stand-alone player for ShockWave Flash (SWF) animations, based on the Macromedia Flash Player plugin. In addition to all Macromedia Flash Player abilities, it has some extended features, such as animation rewinding, advanced full screen mode, playlists, browser cache integration and exe projectors support.

File Size = 444 KB

Sqirlz Water Reflections 2.2


Sqirlz Water Reflections

Add one or more pools of water to any image or AVI video. The pools can be animated to give gentle rippling reflections of the scene above them. Choose from a variety of ripples, and control details such as wave size, perspective and transparency. The pools can be of any shape. Animations can be saved as Macromedia Flash (SWF) files, AVI video clips, and bitmap/jpeg files

File Size = 1.78 MB

Free Morphing 2.1


Free Morphing

Free Morphing creates a sequence of frames which are the transformation of the source image to target image, giving the appearance that the source image "becomes" the target. Images must be true color (24 bit) and have the same size. In the program you can create lines (the same number in Source and Target) which describe the transformation. You should create line objects in the same order on boths images. There are various viewing tools for preview morphing.

File Size = 1.08 MB

Flash Slideshow Maker - 2.20 build 388


Flash Slideshow Maker

ANVSOFT Flash Slide Show Maker is a Flash album creator to make animated photo slide shows with SWF file as the output format. It transforms your digital photo collection to Macromedia Flash file format ( SWF ) which you can share your memorial moments with your family or friends on your own homepage or website.

With ANVSOFT Flash Slide Show Maker, you can easily turn a folder full of still images into a stunning Flash slide show with background music and special transition effects .

This Flash slide show software allows you to add nice looking animated slide shows to your website in no time!

File Size = 4.98 MB

Popims Animator 2.00



Animation software for creating morphs, warps and other effect with one or more pictures. The program allows the user to align, resize, and crop the pictures to achieve the best morphing results. The resulting animation can be computed and displayed real-time, it can be saved to disk and it can be printed for use with a Popims screen.

Popims Animator is the successor of MeeSoft SmartMorph and was created in cooperation between MeeSoft and Popims.


* Morphing one picture to another.
* Warp a picture.
* Morphing or warping multiple pictures.
* Read/write BMP, WMF, EMF, JPEG, PNG, MNG, GIF and PCX images. If MeeSoft Image Analyzer is installed, JPEG 2000, RAS, PNM, PGM and PPM images are also supported.
* Support for TWAIN compatible scanners and cameras.
* Automatically align, resize and crop image for optimal morph quality.
* Animation output as AVI video, animated GIF or sequence of BMP, JPG, MNG or PNG images.
* Create and print movies and 3D images for viewing with Popims screens.
* Filters and color correction for improving image quality.
* Online help and tutorials.

File Size = 1.78 MB

WinPatrol 12.2.2007.0

Anti Spyware & Adware

Win Patrol

WinPatrol with Scotty the Windows Watch Dog will sniff out worms, adware, spyware, cookies, Trojan horses, and other nasty programs that may attack your computer. This program puts you back in control of your computer with no need for constant updates. WinPatrol´s goal is to help you better understand what programs are running on your computer and to alert you to any new programs added without your permission. Scotty lets you confirm any new programs or add-ons set up to run on your computer.

Unlike traditional security programs, WinPatrol doesn´t scan your hard drive searching for previously identified threats. Instead using a heuristic approach, a snapshot is taken of your critical system resources and WinPatrol alerts you to any changes that occur without your knowledge. You´ll be warned immediately by Scotty and will be removing dangerous new threats while others wait to hear about them on the news. WinPatrol 8.1 includes enhanced reports and checks for a number of new Internet Explorer helpers and a fix to the disappearing task bar icon quirk in Windows XP.

File Size = 675 KB

Norman Malware Cleaner 2007.10.16

Anti Spyware & Adware

Norman Malware Cleaner

Norman Malware Cleaner is a Norman program utility that may be used to detect and remove specific malicious software (malware).

Note that it should not be used as a substitute for running normal proactive antivirus protection, but rather as a reactive tool to handle systems that are already infected.

It will clean an infected system completely:

* kill running processes that are infected
* remove infections from disk (including ActiveX components and browser helper objects)
* restore correct registry values
* remove references created by malware in hosts file
* remove windows firewall rules for malicious programs


File Size = 4.3 MB

Doctor Spyware Cleaner 1.5

Anti Spyware & Adware

Doctor Spyware Cleaner

Doctor Spyware Cleaner allows you to regain your computer's security and performance. This feature-packed program will scan and remove all traces of spyware on your system with a frequently updated database. The effects will be noticed with Internet browsing, application usage and many other areas.

File Size = 3.02 MB

Arovax AntiSpyware 2.1.153

Anti Spyware & Adware

Arovax Anti Spyware

Arovax AntiSpyware includes Deep Scan, Smart Scan and a Remover - ability to remove the parasites found. It's able to scan and remove spyware from registry, cookies and files.
If Arovax AntiSpyware detects items you consider to be important, you can add them to the Ignore List. These items will not be wiped out by Arovax AntiSpyware Remover. Next time you scan your computer for infections they will not appear in the scan results.

File Size = 3.43 MB

PC Tools AntiVirus™ 3.6 Free Edition

Anti Virus & Security

PC Tools AntiVirus™ Free Edition

With PC Tools AntiVirus Free Edition you are protected against the most nefarious cyber-threats attempting to gain access to your PC and personal information. Going online without protection against the latest fast-spreading virus and worms, such as Netsky, Mytob and MyDoom, can result in infections within minutes.

Once infected, the virus will usually attempt to spread itself to your friends, family and associates by accessing your email contacts and networked PCs. The infection may also allow hackers to access files on your PC, use it to launch attacks against other computers and websites or to send mass SPAM email.

That’s why PC Tools AntiVirus Free Edition provides world-leading protection, with rapid database updates, OnGuard™ real-time protection and comprehensive system scanning to ensure your system remains safe and virus free. PC Tools products are trusted and used by millions of people everyday to protect their home and business computers against online threats.

File Size = 12.47 MB

Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool 1.34

Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool 1.34

Anti Virus & Security

Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool

Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool checks your computer for infection by specific, prevalent malicious software (including Blaster, Sasser, and Mydoom) and helps to remove the infection if it is found.

This tool will help to remove specific, prevalent malicious software from infected systems. Because computers can appear to function normally when infected, Microsoft advises you to run this tool even if your computer seems to be fine. In addition to using this tool, you should use an up-to-date antivirus product to help protect your computer from other malicious software.


File Size = 7.96 MB

Multi Virus Cleaner 2007 7.7.0

Multi Virus Cleaner

Multi Virus Cleaner is a free, stand-alone utility used to detect and remove major viruses. It is not a substitute for full anti-virus protection, but rather a tool to assist administrators and users when cleaning infected systems. Multi Virus Cleaner is regularly updated and can detect over 6,000 common viruses, worms, trojans and dialers (including all variants of the Sober, MyDoom and Bagle viruses). The program boasts a fast, user-friendly scanner that requires minimal processing power and is an excellent choice for repairing a compromised system.

File Size = 1.38 MB

Multi Virus Cleaner 2007 7.7.0

Multi Virus Cleaner

Multi Virus Cleaner is a free, stand-alone utility used to detect and remove major viruses. It is not a substitute for full anti-virus protection, but rather a tool to assist administrators and users when cleaning infected systems. Multi Virus Cleaner is regularly updated and can detect over 6,000 common viruses, worms, trojans and dialers (including all variants of the Sober, MyDoom and Bagle viruses). The program boasts a fast, user-friendly scanner that requires minimal processing power and is an excellent choice for repairing a compromised system.

File Size = 1.38 MB

RogueRemover 1.22

Anti Virus & Security

Rogue Remover

RogueRemover is a utility that can remove various rogue antispyware, antivirus and hard drive cleaning utilities. Rogue applications are applications that rather than remove spyware, provide false positives, distribute malware or spyware, advertise, or provide useless uninstallers. The main point is that rogue applications are useless and eat up system resources.

RogueRemover has the ability to completely remove WinAntiSpyware/WinAntiVirus, SpyAxe, VirusBlast, VirusBursters and many more!

Simply download RogueRemover. Unzip to a convenient location such as C:\RogueRemover. Navigate to the folder you unzipped the files to and double click on the file named RogueRemover.exe. Finally, select Scan and the program will walk you through the remaining steps.


File Size = 671 KB

Lycos targets European internet hit

Lycos Europe, the German-based internet company, is starting another push to put European internet development back on the map.

Christoph Mohn, chief executive, said the company is to begin rolling out a pipeline of websites and services, among which he hopes will be a challenger to the dominant US companies like Yahoo, Google, MySpace and Facebook.

Mr Mohn has gathered together what may be Europe's largest internet developer team, some 400 engineers in Germany and Armenia. They have been working for the last 6 years to develop new, innovative internet products that Mr Mohn hopes will help restore Lycos Europe if not to its former glory, than at least to operating profit.

Lycos Europe is certainly in need of a boost. The company has internet service businesses and online dating services which generate revenues, but it has struggled to climb out of the red. Full year figures on Tuesday revealed a €1.7m profit for 2006, compared with a €20.2m loss in 2005, but this was chiefly due to gains from the sale of its Swedish internet access business for €19m.

The first product, Lycos iQ, emerged from the pipeline around a year ago. This is a local search service, much like Yahoo Answers, which allows people to post questions which are answered by real people knowledgeable on a subject. People ask about finding a good dentist in west London or a kindergarten in Munich.

Mr Mohn believes that with products like these Lycos can hold its own against Google.

"Our concept is not to develop a product that is better than Google at the core search product but to develop a search that is different. Around 30 per cent of searches are regional and these searches we can answer very well," Mr Mohn said.

Lycos iQ is the first of many products to be launched. Next week the company is bringing out Jubii.com, a messaging, photo sharing and internet calling site, in the US, right in the internet heartland. Mr Mohn says no one has yet combined these elements in the way he plans to do.

In total Mr Mohn is planning to launch five to 10 internet products each year. The formula is simple and opportunistic: act like a venture capital company backing dozens of different start-ups, and one of them is bound to be a hit.

"If you look at venture-backed start-ups, around 1 in 10 is a hit product, some do ok and you have a handful of flops. If we bring out a range of new products every year, every second year we should have a larger product on the market," he says.

The company will invest around €5m to €10m each year in building its pipeline. The pay-back is expected to start around two years from now, although it could be sooner if one of Mr Mohn's hoped-for hits arrives before then.

Lighting the way for European search

The latest quest to create a European search engine rival to Google got underway this week as 13 European companies and research institutes met in Rome to kick off the Pharos project. Among them were names like France Telecom, Circom, the body representing more than 300 of Europe's regional broadcasters and Fast, the Norwegian search software company, as well as Germany's Fraunhofer Institute. The meeting comes only weeks after Europe's previous attempt at search came apart at the seams. The "Quaero" project was launched last year by the French and German governments explicitly to create a challenger to Google, but just before Christmas the Germans pulled out because of disagreements over the scope of the project. The Germans, who wanted to focus on text-based search, are now pursuing their own "Theseus" project while the French continue with picture-based Quaero. Into this mix wades Pharos, armed with another classical name and €8.5m in funding from the European Commission.

This time there is less hubris. The project partners are very nervous of saying that they are looking for a "Eurogoogle".

They are at pains to point out that the area of audiovisual search is still wide open for research work. Google's keyword-based algorithms don't work particularly well here and Circom at least has a very genuine interest in finding some technology to help it catalogue its vast libraries of TV footage, without millions of man-hours spent manually tagging films.

But there is also some quiet defiance.

Office 2007 standards push on hold for now

Office 2007 standards push on hold for now

Winning recognition for the "Open XML" formats in the new Office 2007 as international standards is a vital step for Microsoft. Without it, governments around the world will be less likely to adopt the new formats (and the Microsoft software in which they are embedded.)

So it is at the least inconvenient for Redmond, and potentially more worrying, that the International Standards Organisation has just added another three months to its review of the matter, following representations from the UK (and possibly other countries.) The ISO already recognises the rival Open Document Format, which has been gaining ground, so matching that is a must for Microsoft. How damaging could this be? Impossible to tell until more details of potential objections become clear, but being forced to return to the drawing board at this stage could cause Microsoft real problems.

Meanwhile, Texas has become the latest US state to join the rush to "open" document formats