CoCreate OneSpace Modeling Personal Edition (PE) is the world's first free 3D CAD software which follows a Dynamic Modeling based approach. Easily downloaded from the Web, it offers the power of standard CoCreate OneSpace Modeling 3D CAD system allowing you to create assemblies up to 60 parts. This software stands apart from any other CAD system you may have tried or are currently using. Built on a history-free foundation, this Dynamic Modeling based 3D CAD software helps you design products, create associative drawings and analyze design ideas quickly — it's like getting Microsoft Office-like productivity from a CAD system.
OneSpace Modeling PE enables any engineer, designer or student to experience the extraordinary power of a Dynamic Modeling based approach to 3D product development, the cornerstone of the CoCreate OneSpace Suite. Even the most casual user or hobbyist will be immediately productive through quickstart projects, online help and user forums.
Download a FREE version of OneSpace Modeling PE today and see the "dynamic difference" yourself.
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